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Blog: Is Your Connected Community of Care Making a Difference?

By Keith Kosel, Executive Advisor at Parkland Center for Clinical Innovation

We ask this type of question every day. For example, we may ask― “Is this product that I purchased making a difference?” or “Is this advanced training that I completed making a difference?” Implicit in this common question is the expectation that because we have made an investment in something to achieve a result, the result should be better or more improved than the pre-investment state. So too with a Connected Community of Care (CCC). As I have discussed in previous blogs, establishing a CCC requires a substantial investment in both time and money. Therefore, it is only natural to ask― “Is this CCC making a difference, and how would I know?” Unfortunately, most CCCs are established with very little forethought given to this exact question. While we expect the CCC will help community residents improve their health and well-being, how will we know conclusively that this has happened? How will we demonstrate its impact to a potential partner or― more importantly― a funder? This is where data, measurement, and evaluation come into play. For most people, these three words cause anxiety levels to immediately rise. But this doesn’t need to be the case; a little planning and forethought can go a long way to assuaging one’ anxiety when asked the question, “Is your CCC making a difference?”

Before we think about what data we will need to answer this question or how we will collect it, we first need to establish what we mean by “making a difference”. Understand, there is no one correct answer to this question. What may constitute a positive difference or impact for one organization may be much different for another, even similar organization. Many factors contribute to the final answer and each are usually organization-, ecosystem- and situation-specific.

In practice, there are many ways to define making a difference. First, we can look at quantitative or numeric information to make this determination. Are we providing more nutritious meals to indigent residents? Is the number of inappropriate Emergency Department visits declining or, conversely, is the number of residents having visits with a primary care provider increasing? All of these effects can be counted and judged against some predefined goal (more on this later). Second, we can assess making a difference by asking the people that are being touched by the CCC. Through surveys or brief interviews, community residents can tell you in their own words what impact, if any, the CCC has on their lives. While this qualitative (non-numeric) information can often be more informative than simple quantitative information because it represents the voice of the individual, to answer the question of whether your CCC is making a difference, you will also still likely need to establish numeric goals. A third way to assess whether your CCC is making a difference is indirectly via the financial and non-financial opportunities that arise as a result of having a CCC versus not having one. For example, having a CCC may make it much easier to perform contact tracing among vulnerable populations during a pandemic like COVID-19.

Having a CCC may also enable a healthcare system or a community-based organization (CBO) to apply for a grant that it otherwise might not be competitively positioned to do if it did not have an integrated system of healthcare and social service providers such as a CCC.

Regardless of the approach to define making a difference, the importance of planning for 1) what things will be measured to generate the necessary data, 2) how and when that measurement will take place, and 3) how the resulting data will be analyzed and evaluated, cannot be underestimated.

Similarly, these decisions cannot be put off until a later date as is often seen with start-ups, including CCCs. While it is natural to want to focus on the more immediate needs associated with launching a CCC, deferring the question of how we will know if the entity is making a difference can prove costly, both from an operational and financial perspective. At the Parkland Center for Clinical Innovation (PCCI) we encourage those planning a CCC to devote the necessary time early on to setting performance goals and objectives and determining how and when they will be measured and evaluated. While it is important to explicitly build this step into your CCC planning phase, the scope and scale of the work does not have to be extensive. In fact, at PCCI we strongly encourage CCCs to start small with a limited set of goals, objectives, and requisite measures and then scale up as the CCC grows and matures. This approach has the dual benefit of providing essential core information early on while also not overwhelming the CCC staff with data collection activities that may be a distraction from more pressing, day-to-day activities.

Based on this author’s work with literally hundreds of healthcare and social service provider organizations, experience suggests that most entities (both new and established organizations) do best if they initially establish 1) a limited number of goals― one or two at most, 2) a similar number of objectives to achieve each goal, and 3) no more than three to four performance measures to support each goal. While this may seem like an insufficient number of performance elements in today’s data-obsessed world, remember that you can always add additional goals, objectives, and measures as your expertise and comfort levels allow and as your CCC evolves.

Even more important than the numbers, however, it is essential to get the selection of the goals, objectives, and performance measures correct. Each of these three performance elements plays an essential role in helping you answer the question “Is my CCC making a difference?” Your goals focus on the long-term― what do you ultimately want to happen, while your objectives are the short-term accomplishments that help you achieve your goals. In both cases, you must be sure that what you are expecting is both realistic and appropriate for your CCC’s stage of development. For example, assuming a newly established CCC will reduce ED utilization in its first year or two may not be reasonable and may lead to frustration and disillusionment if the goal is not achieved. If you select a BHAG (Big Harry Audacious Goal), you must allow sufficient time (and then some) for all the necessary pieces to come together. The rule of thumb for large-scale demonstration projects such as launching a CCC is that they 1) take (much) longer than expected, 2) cost more than budgeted, and 3) generally initially deliver less than expected. These facts should not dissuade you from your journey, but rather help you keep things in perspective as the project evolves to one that in the long-term is viewed as valuable in achieving your goals.

If getting the goals and objectives correct is important, then selecting the correct performance measures and designing a feasible measurement plan is paramount. Here again, quality is more important than quantity. A few well-chosen performance measures, implemented correctly, will generate far more in the way of actionable data than a plethora of randomly selected measures. To optimize your ability to assess if your CCC is making a difference, your performance measures should be collected at regular intervals following the launch of the CCC. While many established programs collect, analyze, and evaluate performance data on a quarterly basis, for fledgling CCCs, PCCI recommends this data be collected monthly for at least the first one to two years or until the CCC reaches a stable level of operations. While monthly data collection requires a little more work, the more frequent feedback allows you to make necessary program or operational modifications more quickly and with fewer disruptions than that afforded with quarterly feedback. If measurement and evaluation is an area where you don’t have a lot of experience, reach out to others that do, especially individuals and organizations such as PCCI that have experience assessing performance in large-scale, multi-sector collaborative projects.

While we all hope that the answer to the question “Is my CCC making a difference” is yes, the answer may be no early on in the life of a CCC. As disheartening as this news may be, it’s important to not give up, but to look critically at what is working and what is not and make adjustments where necessary. Usually, this examination does not necessitate a complete “reboot” of the CCC initiative, but rather requires making minor changes accompanied by paying closer attention to the CCC’s operations. Seek feedback from your staff and those you serve and be open to change, where change is warranted. As indicated, these types of projects take a lot longer to reach fruition than most people believe, but with a solid plan, patience, and flexibility, you will be able to answer, “Yes, my CCC is definitively making a difference in the lives of the community residents it serves.”

About the author
Dr. Keith Kosel is an Executive Advisor at Parkland Center for Clinical Innovation (PCCI) and is co-author of “Building Connected Communities of Care: The Playbook for Streamlining Effective Coordination Between Medical and Community-Based Organizations,” a guide that brings together communities to support our most vulnerable. At PCCI, Keith is leveraging his passion for – and extensive experience in – patient safety, quality, and population health by focusing on understanding Non Medical Drivers of Health and the impact of community-based interventions in improving the health of vulnerable and underserved populations.

PCCI’s 2020 Annual Impact Report

To give you a descriptive view into PCCI’s 2020, we have created an Annual Impact Report. This report provides highlights of our work during my fourth year at PCCI’s. Our accomplishments reflect not only our individual achievements, but our many collaborations and the community’s commitment to our mission. Specifically, this mission is powered by our people, innovative collaborators like Parkland Health & Hospital System (Parkland), Parkland Community Health Plan (PCHP), and many outstanding organizations that give us the support and purpose we need to champion each project we undertake. For this year, we have continued to produce impactful results for our stakeholders. As our mission expands, we will continue to seek like-minded organizations to work with us in pioneering new ways to health, especially for vulnerable and underserved populations.

To view the 2020 PCCI Annual Impact Report, please click the image below:


PCCI COVID-19 Update: Vaccinations Help Dallas County’s COVID-19 Risk Drop 40 Percent in May

DALLAS – Due to vaccination levels and reduction in new COVID-19 cases in Dallas County, the Parkland Center for Clinical Innovation’s COVID-19 Vulnerability Index has recorded a 40 percent drop in average vulnerability from April to the end of May.

The Vulnerability Index decrease can be attributed to a moderate increase in vaccines, a 10 percent increase in vaccinated people (partial or complete) month over month, and a 37 percent decrease in active cases.

The ZIP code with the highest Vulnerability Index, 75243, has a 12.20 vulnerability rating, however that was a decreased by 61 percent from April. This decrease was driven by vaccinations.

Most vulnerable zip codes. The cases have continued to reduce substantially month-over-month. (See list below)

“Thanks to the vaccination programs implemented throughout Dallas County, we continue to see progress in our fight against COVID-19,” said Thomas Roderick, PhD, Executive in Residence at PCCI. “Our latest Vulnerability Index report is the most positive yet, with new cases slowing and modest, but important participation in the vaccination program continuing. This progress is a credit to the outstanding efforts of our public health leaders and residents devoted to crushing COVID.”

One of the hardest hit ZIP Codes during the past year, 75211, which includes the areas around Cockrell Hill and Oak Cliff, continues to be in the top 10 most vulnerable ZIP codes, however, its May rating of 9.63, is a massive improvement over its high of 196.9 in January.

Launched in June of 2020, PCCI’s Vulnerability Index identifies communities at risk by examining comorbidity rates, including chronic illnesses such as hypertension, cancer, diabetes and heart disease; areas with a high density of populations over the age of 65; and increased social deprivation such as lack of access to food, medicine, employment and transportation. These factors are combined with dynamic mobility rates and confirmed COVID-19 cases where a vulnerability index value is scaled relative to July 2020’s COVID-19 peak value. The PCCI COVID-19 Vulnerability Index can be found on its COVID-19 Hub for Dallas County at:

Recently, PCCI revised its COVID-19 herd immunity forecast, 80 percent of residents either having recovered from COVID-19 or having received a vaccination, from mid-June to July, due to a slowing rate of immunizations. However, as of the end of May, Dallas County is closing in on the 80 percent goal, at 75.5 percent herd immunity.

“Without question, vaccinations are the key to Dallas County reaching herd immunity,” said George “Holt” Oliver, MD, Vice President of Clinical Informatics at PCCI. “Vaccinations have been the primary reason we’ve seen a reduction in risk and why we are in sight of reaching the herd immunity threshold. The vaccinations for adults and children over 12 years old, are effective, easily obtained and quickly administered. We should all do our part to get vaccinated and encourage others to do the same. That is the way we will crush COVID.”

Data Sources:
To build Vulnerability Index, PCCI relied on data from Parkland Health & Hospital System, Dallas County Health and Human Services Department, the Dallas-Fort Worth Hospital Council, U.S. Census, and SafeGraph.

About Parkland Center for Clinical Innovation
Parkland Center for Clinical Innovation (PCCI) is an independent, not-for-profit, healthcare intelligence organization affiliated with Parkland Health & Hospital System. PCCI leverages clinical expertise, data science and Non Medical Drivers of Health to address the needs of vulnerable populations. We believe that data, done right, has the power to galvanize communities, inform leaders, and empower people.


Herd Immunity Forecast For Dallas County Pushed Back to Late July

  • More natural immunity; decreasing vaccination rates   
  • Data from new UT Southwestern seroprevalence study raises PCCI’s county wide previously infected estimates to 48% of the total population;   
  • Herd immunity rate increases to 74 percent of the total population 
  • PCCI now forecasts Dallas County to surpass COVID herd immunity by late July 

Parkland Center for Clinical Innovation (PCCI) has updated its herd immunity forecast for COVID-19 in Dallas County. The new herd immunity analysis includes the up-to-date vaccination percentages for Dallas County as well as a change in the percentage of residents confirmed and presumed to have been infected. These factors indicate that the county’s herd immunity rate is now 74 percent of the total population. However, a continued decrease in vaccinations pushes reaching the herd immunity threshold of 80 percent of all residents either having been infected or being vaccinated towards late July. 

PCCI made its initial herd immunity forecast for Dallas County in February, where it predicted the county would reach the herd immunity threshold by mid-June.  

 “The most critical factor in the fight to crush COVID remains vaccinations for the whole population, particularly with the county’s younger, working population and the recently approved high school and middle school students,” said Steve Miff, PhD., PCCI’s President and CEO. “Convenience, missed work or school from vaccine side-effects, and concerns about providing identifications for the transient and un-documented populations remain as key barriers to vaccinations and continue to be a key decision driver for the 20-30 percent of the unvaccinated population who are not opposed to receiving a vaccine, but have not yet rolled up their sleeves.” 

 An important new UT Southwestern virologic study indicates a ratio of 1:4 for confirmed positive (tested and confirmed) to presumed infected (positive antibodies, but never tested) population for Dallas County.  With this information, PCCI has updated the presumed infected adult population from a 1:3 ratio to the 1:4 ratio. This increase in the presumed infected results also in adjustment of the vaccinated population of Dallas estimated to have had prior COVID-19 infection and recovered from 21 percent to 28 percent.   

 For vaccinations, the weekly average is slowing below 15,000 first doses/week despite new age group approval for 12-15-year-old. To date, 1,018,696 people in Dallas County have been vaccinated, with 798,775 being fully vaccinated.  This indicates that approximately 40 percent of the whole county population, 52 percent of the over 18-year-old population, and 77 percent of the over 65-year-old have received at least one dose of the vaccine.   

The net results increase the current county wide herd immunity rate to 74 percent of the total population.  Twenty-six Dallas County ZIP codes are estimated as surpassing the 80 percent threshold to date.  


 Figure Above: COVID-19 Herd Immunity Current State, Dallas County, May 13, 2021; base population based on US Census ACS 2019 5 year; values capped at maximum of 0.8 to show relative progress; eastern zip codes in county tend to be sparser and cover a larger area; estimates may have variance across county estimates; using 4x AIRR based on UTSW seroprevalence data as best local estimate. Overlap estimate of 28% of vaccinated population of Dallas estimated to have had prior COVID-19 infection and recovered. 

 Significant plans are already underway to address convenience and access. PCCI has created an updated Vulnerability Index calculation and identified the top 100 neighborhoods with the most unvaccinated individuals (map below).  The map shows areas of low vaccination rates sprinkled across north and central Dallas County, but it indicates large sections of the southern half of the county have many unvaccinated. These areas in south Dallas often experience transportation gaps to access certain vaccination sites.  

Dallas County, City of Dallas and the Parkland Health and Hospital System are coordinating efforts to bring local community vaccination clinics to high risk, high opportunity locations.  There are 29 recent, active, and planned community locations to where individual can receive a COVID vaccine in their own neighborhood.   These are in addition to the local pharmacies, physician offices and other activities by many local health systems.   


Above Image: The dotted red areas indicate neighborhoods with highest numbers of unvaccinated individuals. 

“With this new analysis, we are able to pinpoint where the least vaccinated populations are in the county,” said Dr. Miff. “Our public health leaders are taking action and making progress toward reaching those areas, but each of us can take responsibility to quickly receive our vaccine and encourage our friends and neighbors to do the same, especially for those who live in neighborhoods with the low vaccination rates. Vaccines are the fastest and safest way we can get back to any sort of normal.” 

Why does it matter that we get to herd immunity through vaccinations instead of infection? 

Reaching herd immunity will significantly reduce the spread of the virus but reaching the 80 percent with equal numbers of vaccinated and natural immunity populations will not make the virus go away. For areas already at or above 80 percent, and for the rest of the county, until vaccination rates increase, there will likely continue to be low levels of constant infections, hospitalizations and periodic deaths.   

 “The virus will continue to linger in the background at relatively low and steady rates, with the periodic flareup. The best thing we can do is continue to vaccinate to reach and surpass the 80 percent vaccination mark and then drive both personal and community protection through the vaccines,” said Dr. George ‘Holt’ Oliver, Vice President of clinical Informatics at PCCI. 

 For more information about how PCCI has taken the fight to COVID-19, go to: 

 About Parkland Center for Clinical Innovation  

Parkland Center for Clinical Innovation (PCCI) is an independent, not-for-profit, healthcare intelligence organization affiliated with Parkland Health & Hospital System. PCCI leverages clinical expertise, data science and Non Medical Drivers of Health to address the needs of vulnerable populations.   



AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MANAGED CARE: Timely Preterm-Birth Prediction Among Pregnant Women in Medicaid Without Preterm-Birth History

The American Journal of Managed Care (AJMC), which delivers direct access and engagement of professional audiences by providing multichannel sources of trusted health care and scientific information, has published a peer review articled about a preterm birth prevention program pioneered by PCCI, Parkland and the Parkland Community Health Plan.

The article, titled “Timely Preterm-Birth Prediction Among Pregnant Women in Medicaid Without Preterm-Birth History,” examines how Parkland, PCCI and PCHP experts developed a novel prediction model that accurately predicts preterm birth in a timely manner among pregnant women in Medicaid without preterm-birth history.

To read the article in a PDF form, go to:

For the web article, go to:

Dallas Morning News Op/Ed: PCCI CEO – Dallas Needs You In Race against COVID-19

In the Saturday, May 8 edition of the Dallas Morning News, PCCI’s CEO Steve Miff’s Op/Ed piece was published encouraging residents of Dallas County to receive their COVID vaccines in order for the county to reach herd immunity by June. To read the entire editorial, click on the image below:


Updated PCCI Vulnerability Index Highlights Progress, but Ongoing At-Risk Communities

By Thomas Roderick, PCCI’s Executive in Resident
& George “Holt” Oliver, MD, PhD, Vice President, Clinical Informatics

Why this post

More than a year ago, the data scientists at Parkland Center for Clinical Innovation (PCCI) committed to take the fight to COVID-19 by assisting North Texas residents, community leaders and public health officials through delivering actionable pandemic intelligence.

Many of us at PCCI and in the community have suffered the loss of family members, colleagues, coworkers, neighbors and friends. So with great relief we have witnessed tremendous scientific achievements in the development, approval and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines within a year. We have also seen the community evolve and adapt to life with COVID-19 and the actions expand from initial testing strategies to vaccine deployment, herd immunity projections and tracking, to now overcoming vaccination hesitancy and surveillance tracking of emerging variants, re-infections and individual/community immunity.

As our community and pandemic efforts evolve, so does the intelligence it needs. To meet that need, PCCI is evolving its technology and is pleased to announce the next phase of the Vulnerability Index.

What is the Vulnerability Index?

The Vulnerability Index is a measure of risk a community faces due to COVID-19. Higher risk means that people may be more likely to be infected with COVID-19, and if they do, they are more likely to experience symptoms and potentially face hospitalization and even death.

When the Vulnerability Index was first built, it covered factors correlated with COVID-19, including attributes in the community that don’t change quickly (like proportion of elderly population, people living with chronic conditions that are associated with COVID-19, and Non Medical Drivers of Health) as well as dynamic factors that increase immediate risk, like active COVID-19 cases and the mobility of the people living in the community.

How has the Vulnerability Index changed?

The North Texas community has evolved in two very important ways, and so the Vulnerability Index is changing as well.

    • First, as with the rest of the world it has adopted mask-wearing, social distancing, hand washing, and other hygiene and behavioral recommendations from public health authorities to limit the spread of COVID-19. Combined with the full opening of the economy, this means that a mobility factor has less relevance in identifying risk, because people change their behavior when they are out shopping at the grocery store, working, visiting parks, and otherwise engaging in the community. Without these behavior adjustments, mobility would continue to be important to monitor and understand, but not a critical factor in predicting neighborhood vulnerability.
    • Second, the introduction and uptake of the vaccine has started the process of lifting communities to herd immunity (HI), which is where the virus has a hard time finding people to infect because enough people have antibodies. As more people get vaccinated, there are fewer people in the community to become infected, and the community is less vulnerable.

An important caveat is that COVID-19 variants can continue to arise. PCCI is conducting ongoing surveillance on reinfections across Dallas County to assess the emergence of new variants, transmission and potential drop off of previously developed immunity. If this happens it means the mediating effect of the vaccination against COVID-19 risk may be decreased – so more people face infection risk. This is also captured in the updated Vulnerability Index.

How is the Vulnerability Index used?

The Vulnerability Index is used to inform how the communities and municipalities across Dallas County coordinate efforts to improve access to testing, vaccinations and create a path towards herd immunity. Below is a balloon plot, which shows cases on the horizontal axis and vaccinations on the vertical axis. It highlights HI progress in early April for ZIP codes across Dallas County. Each circle represents the current progress; each tail shows the improvement over two weeks. Upward “balloon” trajectory is favorable as it indicates that improvement was a result of vaccinations, not infections.

Source: The Parkland Center for Clinical Innovation

One thing that immediately jumps out is that ZIP codes with higher static vulnerability (or long-term risks in a community that do not change quickly such as age, medical comorbidities and social/economic factors) were slower at vaccine uptake. A potential reason for this is Non Medical Drivers of Health (NMDOH) – people who live in these zip codes may be in jobs that are not conducive to have the ability to take time off from work and to travel to vaccine sites to be vaccinated. This information is used by community organizers, public health officials, and health care providers to coordinate efforts and target each community in a way that removes barriers to vaccinations and target information and education via convenient and trusted sources.


Ongoing vigilance against the virus remains key, and this includes getting vaccinated at your first available opportunity. As we enter the second summer in the pandemic, we at PCCI are committed to monitoring for COVID-19’s continued impact on the community, whether through improving the view into impacted communities, the impact of variants, reinfection risk, and more.

For more information about how PCCI has taken the fight to COVID-19, go to:


World Asthma Day: How PCCI’s predictive model helped improve care low-income children with asthma in Dallas

As part of May’s Asthma Awareness Month and World Asthma Day (May 4), PCCI is presenting its work, partnering with Parkland and the Parkland Community Health Plan, where its platform supporting pediatric asthma has helped thousands of children, dramatically reduced hospital visits and resulted in millions of dollars in cost savings. Following is an overview of the pediatric asthma programs that PCCI has played a key role in developing.


How PCCI’s predictive model helped improve care low-income children with asthma in Dallas

By Yolande Pengetnze, MD, MS, FAAP,
Senior Medical Director, Parkland Center for Clinical Innovation

Bringing together advanced data science and clinical expertise to help at-risk populations is a primary mission at PCCI and the results derived from our program to help improve care and outcomes for children with asthma, demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach.

Working closely with leaders from Parkland Community Health Plan’s (PCHP) team, PCCI developed a predictive model to help reduce the incidence and cost of asthma-related emergency department (ED) visits and hospitalizations among Medicaid-insured low-income Dallas children.

PCHP and PCCI launched the Pediatric Asthma Quality Improvement Program in April 2015. The program was driven by the large number of PCHP members with asthma. Asthma is the most common chronic disease of childhood affecting over 6 million children in the US and resulting in over 140,000 hospitalizations every year.

Asthma disproportionately impacts low-income, urban, Medicaid-insured children compared with privately insured children. Asthma, however, also is an ambulatory-care sensitive condition, meaning that appropriate outpatient care and self-care can prevent unnecessary ED visits and hospitalizations, with subsequent substantial direct and indirect costs savings. The opportunity was ripe to really help disadvantaged children with asthma.

How the predictive model works
Beginning in 2014, PCCI developed a logistic regression model to predict asthma emergency department (ED) visits or hospitalizations within the following three months for children with asthma, using clinical, health services utilization and socio-demographic variables from Medicaid claims data. The risk prediction model classifies every patient as Very-High-, High-, Medium-, or Low-risk for asthma ED visits or hospitalizations and the prediction is updated every month, based on new data input.

Compared to published predictive models, PCCI’s model has a very good predictive accuracy (C-statistic 0.84), is derived from a relatively large and diverse population [3] and is well-evaluated [4]. The PCCI asthma model is continuously evaluated and updated every year, to improve its accuracy and enhance actionable insights that guide clinical and community-based interventions. Deep learning methods have been and additional Non Medical Drivers of Health (NMDOH) data have been evaluated to enhance model accuracy. Communitywide data sources have been incorporated to improve and fully assess model impact. Using this model, we were able to predict high risk asthma patients. We have integrated the risk-score into the electronic health record (EPIC) at Parkland as a Best Practice Alert (BPA), to drive timely and streamlined point-of-care interventions. We also generate monthly reports sent to frontline providers and Case Management teams and other non-traditional stakeholders. The monthly reports contained just the right amount of information on patients’ risk profile to drive seamless clinical and cross-organizational workflow integrations and tailored population-level interventions.

The interventions are adaptable: the reports are used, at the providers’ discretion, to either augment or streamline existing interventions or initiate targeted interventions, depending on clinical/community settings, resources, and priorities. The ultimate goals are to reduce unnecessary hospital utilization and cost, increase patient adherence to medication and preventive office visits, and improve overall health care experience. Moreover, we use the risk prediction model to directly engage higher risk patients into a text messaging program for patient education and medication reminders.

Finally, we used patient’s risk-stratification to identify providers caring for the highest risk patients and community sources of high-risk children for enhanced support for program participation and community-based interventions.

Dallas County Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) Quality Improvement (QI) Initiative
In 2019, Dallas County performed a Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) through which pediatric asthma was identified as a driver of high morbidity among children in the county. In 2020, a communitywide quality improvement (QI) program was launched aiming to improve asthma outcomes for all Dallas County children through data-driven interventions and cross-systems care coordination, following the PCCI Asthma Program model. To support this community-wide initiative, we enhanced our asthma risk prediction model with the addition of electronic health records data, which, together with claims and Non Medical Drivers of Health (NMDOH) data, predict asthma risk among Dallas County children with asthma.

The new model retains a good prediction ability and provides additional clinical insights not previously available using claims data only. With the addition of electronic health records data, our new asthma model can be used for all children irrespective of insurance status, thus expanding the benefits of our program to more vulnerable children with asthma. The asthma text messaging program also has been expanded to impact all children with asthma, irrespective of insurance status.

Moreover, community-based services providers in the social and Public Health sectors have been engaged to use PCCI asthma risk reports for community-based interventions beyond the traditional health care system. Community-based organizations and the Dallas County Health and Human Services department now use PCCI risk reports to drive community-based interventions such as home visits and outreach in community gatherings. The Dallas independent school district is also being engaged to use the risk reports for school-based interventions.

PCCI’s asthma risk model and reports are driving cross-organizational workflows and communitywide care coordination across North Texas, to improve health, educational, and quality of life outcomes for children with asthma and their families.

Insightful Community Risk Mapping
Over the past two years, we have added data insights capability to the program using local and regional maps to identify geographical areas with high risk patients and support targeted community outreach. Overlaying asthma risk maps with NMDOH maps (down to the block group level, see above) has uncovered discrete neighborhoods with asthma-risk and high social needs that might contribute to poor asthma outcomes, including transportation and childcare needs. These opportunity maps are driving community engagement to improve health, education, and wellbeing of children with asthma and their families.

Since inception, PCCI’s pediatric asthma population health framework has not only reduced unnecessary hospital visits and costs, it has improved the healthcare experience for thousands of pediatric patients and their parents. The updated five-year impact report includes:

• Program expanded to support the communitywide Dallas County CHNA Asthma Quality Improvement initiative
• ~93,000 unique children with asthma risk-stratified to-date across both initiatives (PCHP and CHNA Asthma QI)
• Over 22,000 children with asthma risk-stratified every month and ~45,000 every year, with a rapidly increasing impact
• Over ~1800 high-risk children with asthma impacted by the text messaging program
• 21 large and medium community healthcare provider practices actively engaged, including two large Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC) and Parkland’s large network of community-oriented primary care clinics (COPC)
• Non-traditional community services providers engaged, including community-based organizations, Dallas County Health and Human Services community health workers, and Dallas ISD, using risk reports for community-, home-, and school-based interventions
• Dallas Fort Worth Hospital Council Foundation engaged as a source of comprehensive communitywide data to support data-driven interventions
• 30 – 40 percent reduction in asthma-related ED visits
• 50 percent reduction in asthma-related inpatient admissions

• 50 percent drop in annual total asthma cost to PCHP
• Approx. $30 million saved as a result of the risk-driven, multi-stakeholder pediatric asthma framework
• Moreover, the text messaging program has yielded an additional 6-fold drop in asthma-related ED visits among participants vs. non-participants
• Over 85% of participants remain in the text messaging program for more than 12 months and >90% feel empowered to care for asthma as a result of the program

Ongoing Program Enhancements
As we continue this program, we are evaluating the role of emerging deep learning models to improve our risk prediction model performance and explanation. Our original logistic regression model served as the baseline benchmark against which deep learning model results would be compared. We, also, are looking into adding block-level Non Medical Drivers of Health to provide additional actionable insights into patients’ asthma risk profile.

Claims data have strengths and insufficiencies worth highlighting. Claims data consist of billing codes that health care providers and facilities submit to payers. claims data follow a consistent format and use a standard set of pre-established codes that describe specific diagnosis, procedures, medications, as well as billed and paid amounts [5]. Additionally, claims data document nearly all interactions a patient has across all the health care systems. They capture broader information for patients and provide access to larger and more diverse patient cohort. Claims data, however, have a time lag of about 30 to 90 days due to the processing time before they are finally added to the database and become available for analysis. We have begun the process of bringing in additional and timely data sources to enhance or supplement claims data, including electronic health records data and communitywide health and social data, which are progressively improving the timeliness, accuracy, and insights of our asthma risk prediction models and risk reports.

In conclusion, patient education, preventive care, and appropriate use of asthma controller medications are the cornerstone of effective asthma care. Accurate risk prediction of asthma ED visits or hospitalizations, timely provider reports, patient education, and communitywide stakeholder engagement drive the prioritization of evidence-based interventions tailored to the highest risk patients, to efficiently reduce asthma-related ED visits/hospitalizations and associated costs, and improve care experience among children with asthma. By bringing together all the factors from PCCI’s predictive model and applying them to thoughtful and direct interventions, at-risk group of children and their families can experience better outcomes that are beneficial from the health, cost, societal, and consumer experience perspectives. Through our comprehensive approach to whole-person care, , the benefits of PCCI’s risk -driven asthma quality improvement initiatives, which started with one health plan, are now reaching deeper into the North Texas community, bringing quality, coordinated care to vulnerable children where they live, learn, and play.

About the author
Yolande Pengetnze, MD, MS, FAAP, Senior Medical Director, joined PCCI in December 2013 as a Physician Scientist while remaining a Clinical Faculty at the University of Texas South Western (UTSW) School of Medicine and a practicing pediatrician at Children’s Health in Dallas, Texas. Her interests include the use of advanced predictive analytics integrating traditional and novel data sources to improve health outcomes at the individual and population level. She currently leads multiple projects at PCCI, including two population health quality improvement projects in pediatric asthma and preterm birth risk prevention. She received her MD in 1998 from the University of Yaounde in Cameroon, completed a Pediatric Residency training in 2008 at Maimonides Medical Center in New York City, and a Master of Science in Clinical Science at UTSW.

[1] M. Xu, K. G. Tantisira, A. Wu, A. A. Litonjua, J.-h. Chu, B. E. Himes, A. Damask, and S. T. Weiss. Genome wide association study to predict severe asthma exacerbations in children using random forests classifiers. BMC medical genetics, 12(1):90, 2011.

[2] E. Forno, A. Fuhlbrigge, M. E. Soto-Quirós, L. Avila, B. A. Raby, J. Brehm, J. M. Sylvia, S. T. Weiss, and J. C. Celedón. Risk factors and predictive clinical scores for asthma exacerbations in childhood. Chest, 138(5):1156– 1165, 2010.

[3] M. Schatz, E. F. Cook, A. Joshua, and D. Petitti. Risk factors for asthma hospitalizations in a managed care organization: development of a clinical prediction rule. The American journal of managed care, 9(8):538–547, 2003.

[4] A. L. Andrews, A. N. Simpson, W. T. Basco Jr, R. J. Teufel, et al. Asthma medication ratio predicts emergency department visits and hospitalizations in children with asthma. Medicare & Medicaid research review, 3(4), 2013.

[5] W. J and B. A. The benefit of using both claims data and electronic medical record data in health care analysis. Technical report, Optum Insight, 2012.

National Asthma & Allergy Awareness Month: PCCI’s Pediatric Asthma Efforts Making A Difference With Dallas Children

To support  May being National Asthma & Allergy Awareness Month, please review the exciting programs and innovation PCCI has spearheaded to help children manage asthma:

27 MARCH 2020


Yolande Pengetnze, MD, MS, senior medical director at PCCI spoke to HCPLive about a texting program designed to improve outcomes for patients with asthma and pregnant women, and how the technology can be used at other health systems and for other chronic conditions. Click the image below to read the full interview:

15 JANUARY 2020


PCCI’s text messaging program on asthma and preterm birth prevention was featured as a poster presentation at December’s Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) Scientific Symposium. The poster program titled “A Novel Evidence-Based Approach to Digital Outreach Improves Patient Engagement and Health Outcomes in Two Distinct Cohorts of Medicaid Patients,” was presented by by PCCI’s Senior Read More »

30 DECEMBER 2019


Among its accomplishments this year, PCCI reported how its predictive modeling helped reduce the harm caused by pediatric asthma. Please click on the image below to see how PCCI’s efforts were applied:



The September issue of the Texas Medical Association’s magazine, Texas Medicine Magazine, featured the efforts of C. Turner Lewis, III, MD, Medical Director of Children’s Medical Clinics of East Texas, to mitigate the harmful effects of pediatric asthma and alergies. Dr. Lewis employed a pilot program that included elements of PCCI’s predictive modeling to help Read More »

29 JULY 2019


Pediatric asthma is the most prevalent chronic childhood illness, afflicting about 6.2 million children in the United States. However, asthma could be better managed by identifying and avoiding triggers, educating about medications and proper disease management strategies. Parkland Center for Clinical Innovation (PCCI) has been working with the Parkland Community Health Plan (PCHP) for the Read More »

17 JULY 2019


PCCI’s mission is to support our community’s vulnerable populations, which includes helping children with chronic health issues, such as pediatric asthma. PCCI has been working for several years developing and testing predictive models to identify children at risk for asthma exacerbations. You can now see how this predictive modeling was used to help support pediatric asthma patients Read More »

Slowing vaccination rates push back PCCI’s herd immunity forecast for Dallas County

Update on Dallas County Reaching COVID Herd Immunity From PCCI CEO Steve Miff

In February, Parkland Center for Clinical Innovation (PCCI) forecast that Dallas County had an opportunity to reach COVID herd immunity by mid-June. However, due to slowing vaccination rate, we have updated our forecast of Dallas County reaching the COVID herd immunity threshold to late-June with the possibility of falling back even further into July.

PCCI’s herd immunity forecasts in February was based on 80 percent of the county’s residents either having recovered from COVID-19 or having received vaccinations.

Today, herd immunity for the county is at 64 percent. While is represents progress, vaccination rates have slowed which is having a negative effect on our herd immunity forecast. The key driver making vaccine rates to regress include vaccine hesitancy and uptake, particularly in the working population.

While we’ve made great progress and to date vaccinated over 35% of the Dallas County population, including more than 73 percent of residents over 65 years old, the vaccination rates have been dropping, despite ample supply of vaccines and no wait times. In recent weeks, we’ve been averaging 45,000 vaccines administer per week, down from the mid and upper 60,000s in March. Therefore, due to the reductions in vaccinations, the herd immunity projections have been pushed to late June and could slip even further into July.

The longer it takes us to contain and crush COVID, the more chances the virus has to create new mutations that could be more transmissible, more deadly and more elusive to previously developed antibodies.

We encourage everyone to receive their COVID vaccination sooner than later. The quicker we can reach herd immunity the sooner we can return to safely interacting with our friends and families, teachers return to classes without fear and reduce the strain on our first responders, hospitals and their staff. But most importantly, reaching herd immunity via vaccines will help spare families the hardships of loved ones becoming ill or even losing their lives.

Steve Miff, PhD.
President & CEO
Parkland Center for Clinical Innovation