PCCI talks non-medical drivers of health data at Healthier Texas Summit
At the recent Healthier Texas Summit, Jacqueline Naeem, Senior Medical Director, Olayide Adejumobi, Associate Researcher and Guadalupe Negrete-lira, Manager, Connected Communities of Care, hosted an impactful 90-minute workshop. The session explored the potential for non-medical drivers of health (NMDOH)-related data to facilitate innovation between traditional healthcare settings and public health. During this workshop participants had the opportunity to share ideas on how to better integrate CHWs into healthcare systems, and improve collaboration.
For more information on this event, go to: https://healthiertexassummit.com/agenda/

(L/R) Jacqueline Naeem (Speaker) PCCI, Senior Medical Director, Olayide Adejumobi (Speaker) PCCI, Associate Researcher and Guadalupe Negrete-lira (Speaker) PCCI, Manager, Connected Communities of Care.