Our Services

We were born from the need to help patients
PCCI’s innovations in digital health technology, research and advanced analytics are helping a wide range of organizations (e.g., providers, health plans, health departments, community-based organizations) leverage the full potential of data to improve care delivery, drive health equity, optimize access for vulnerable populations, and ultimately advance whole-person health across communities. We accomplish this through our service offerings (including strategic advising) in data science and Connected Communities of Care, NMDOH analytics and Connected Communities of Care.
PCCI Solves Community Health Problems
PCCI’s innovations in digital health technology, research and advanced analytics are helping a wide range of organizations leverage the full potential of data to improve care delivery, drive health equity, optimize access for vulnerable populations, and ultimately advance whole-person health across communities.
PCCI’s team members have extensive experience in working with analytics and healthcare data and in the development, testing, and validation of a wide array of multi-institution, algorithm-driven practice protocols that cross diverse geographies and populations. Our top-of-the line digital data environment, Isthmus™, is a healthcare-specific, interoperable, analytical platform where we can securely assemble data from disparate sources and normalize and standardize data streams to feed into our state-of-the-art data analytics.
To help organizations obtain
a more comprehensive and holistic understanding of their communities and service populations, PCCI has developed a web-based tool, the Community Vulnerability
Compass (CVC). CVC users can visualize and more fully understand the context and complexities of the social barriers to health, access, and well-being of a community’s most vulnerable populations. These insights can both inform and enhance NMDOH-based initiatives.
PCCI’s Connected Communities of Care (CCC) address critical gaps between clinical care and community services in the current healthcare system. CCC includes technology, community alliances, and governance for data sharing, care coordination, and community alignment. We believe that CCC are the way to make Non Medical Drivers of Health actionable to ultimately achieve whole-person health.