Community Vulnerability Compass (CVC) Custom Implementation

CVC offers implementation options
that can grow with you

PCCI’s CVC Online

The CVC online is a web-based version of the CVC tool offering you the ability to access established dashboards that visualize the complexities of the social barriers to health and well-being of a community’s most vulnerable populations.

PCCI’s CVC Advanced

CVC Advanced gives you custom dashboards reflecting the specific needs for your community. This provides you access to our robust NMDOH datamart powered by PCCI’s Isthmus that contains up-to-date, curated NMDOH data from publicly-available and purchased data sources.

PCCI’s CVC Enterprise

PCCI’s CVC Enterprise imbeds the power of the CVC into your systems, where you have full access to Ithmus’s datamart allowing you to build your own dashboards to fuel your NMDOH initiatives with up-to-the-minute data that reflects the health and needs of your community.