Employee Health Initiative (EHI)


Using data sources, PCCI can provide intelligent data insight analytics and segmentation of participants based on access, clinical metrics, utilization patterns, and medical, social, and mental-behavioral health needs.
Parkland is committed to better health for its employees, eligible retirees, and their dependents who are covered under the Parkland Employee Health Plan (“PEHP”). Parkland is a “Tier 1 facility” based on the design of its PEHP, such that employees, eligible retirees, and their dependents (collectively “Plan Participants”) pay lower Participant responsibility amounts if they use Parkland as their health care provider. Nonetheless, the PEHP—which is self-funded by contributions from Parkland and the Plan Participants―spends millions of dollars on non-Parkland providers, including approximately $550,000.00 per month on behavioral health claims. About 12,000 employees out of approximately 15,000 are covered by the PEHP, but only about 5,300 seek any of their care at Parkland’s existing facilities. The current high-cost utilization trend might be curtailed with higher value, higher quality care—including better case management and care coordination―provided to Plan Participants. Using unsupervised machine learning methods and statistical analysis, PCCI will help establish patient cohorts for the PEHP to identify (and better understand) barriers to care, provide high quality care, and improve operations for patient engagement and healthcare provider interventions.